Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mr. Hermensons and his wife

Mr. Hermensons and his wife had a seven year old girl. One day, she was at school and her teacher noticed that she is sick. She asked her what`s going on with you. She asked her” Are you okay?” she said actually I`m not feeling well. He told her parents about that and her parents told the teacher that they noticed that and they are working on that. MR. Hermensons and her husband were Christian Scientist at the county church. They preferred to treat her with prayers rather than going to a physician to get a physical treatment. The girl had diabetes so every day she feels like a dizzy and her bones were itch and weak. After the charismas, her parents were coming back from conference for Christian Scientist. Next day they found their daughter died. They went to the court for the first time to have a case like that in the courts.They was the first parents to go to the court for religion believes. The court classified the case as a third degree crime which means a crime without intending to make the crime. This case gives the criminal from four to seven years in the jail. Their attorney said that this is their religion freedom. And they should not get sued for that.

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